NVRs vs. NetApp E-Series for video surveillance storage

NetApp E-Series is a better option than NVRs (Network Video Recorders) for video surveillance storage for several reasons:

  1. Higher scalability: E-Series provides a scalable architecture that can accommodate up to tens of petabytes of data, making it a better option for large-scale video surveillance deployments than NVRs.

  2. Better performance: E-Series provides better performance than NVRs, enabling higher throughput and faster video access. With E-Series, video footage can be recorded and accessed more quickly, making it easier to respond to incidents.

  3. Improved data protection: E-Series is designed for high-availability and provides advanced data protection features such as RAID, snapshotting, and replication. These features ensure that video footage is always available and protected from data loss.

  4. Lower total cost of ownership: E-Series provides a lower total cost of ownership than NVRs, as it can accommodate more cameras and data with fewer storage devices. E-Series also has a longer lifespan and can be easily upgraded to support new video surveillance technologies.

  5. Integration with existing infrastructure: E-Series can be easily integrated with existing IT infrastructure and video management systems, reducing the need for additional hardware and software.

Overall, the NetApp E-Series provides better scalability, performance, data protection, and cost-effectiveness compared to NVRs, making it a superior option for video surveillance storage.


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Video Surveillance storage: choose NetApp E-Series