What are storage snapshots used for?

Storage snapshots are a technology used to capture the state of a storage system at a particular point in time. They are used for a variety of purposes, including:

  1. Data protection: Storage snapshots can be used to protect against data loss by providing a point-in-time copy of data. If data is lost or corrupted, the snapshot can be used to restore the data to a previous state.

  2. Backup and recovery: Storage snapshots can be used as a backup mechanism to create a copy of data that can be used for recovery in case of a disaster or data loss. Snapshots can be taken more frequently than traditional backups, allowing for more granular recovery points.

  3. Testing and development: Storage snapshots can be used to create copies of production data for testing and development purposes. Developers can use the snapshot to test changes and new features without affecting the production environment.

  4. Archiving: Storage snapshots can be used to create a point-in-time copy of data that can be archived for long-term storage. The snapshot can be stored on lower-cost storage media or in the cloud, reducing the cost of long-term data storage.

  5. Compliance: Storage snapshots can be used to comply with regulatory requirements for data retention. Snapshots can be created at regular intervals and stored for a specified period of time, providing an auditable record of data changes.

Overall, storage snapshots provide a way to capture a point-in-time view of data, which can be used for a variety of purposes including data protection, backup and recovery, testing and development, archiving, and compliance.


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